If you’ve been looking for information tailored to real estate investing for beginners, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are buying an investment property and are looking for insight, or are a new real estate agent selling an investment property and need help setting the price, you will find the help you need here. In order to discuss real estate market value vs market price, we will go into detail about each one individually and make comparisons as we go along.


Boos Development Group, Inc.

On Budget. On Time. Every Time. Boos Development is the expert in single tenant real estate services. From market research and site identification, to permitting and entitlement, through construction and delivery, we handle the process every step of the way — no detail is too small.

Real Estate Technology, Asset Management

Top 5 Trends in Digital Real Estate Asset Management of 2023

Article | May 10, 2023

Learning the latest trends and strategies in digital real estate asset management will help enhance business. Leveraging digital tools, benefits, and techniques transforms asset management approach. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Five Latest Trends in Digital Real Estate Asset Management 2.1. Cloud-based Real Estate Asset Management 2.2. Blockchain Integration 2.3. Growth of Smart Buildings 2.4. Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality 2.5. Expansion of Proptech Ecosystem 3. Why should Businesses Implement Digital Asset Management Trends? 3.1. Improved Customer Experience 3.2. Future-Proofing 3.3. Better Brand Management 3.4. Improved Collaboration 3.5. Cost Savings 4. Conclusion 1. Introduction Keeping abreast with emerging trends and technologies is crucial for success in the ever-changing and dynamic real estate industry. With the proliferation of real estate assets, there is a growing demand for improved organization, storage, and management of digital assets. Digital asset management assists real estate professionals in optimizing workflow, collaboration and improving decision-making abilities while reducing costs and ensuring asset security. Additionally, organizations adopting digital asset management can future-proof their strategies and gain market advantage. The article highlights the significance of digital asset management in real estate and the most recent developments in this field. 2. Five Latest Trends in Digital Real Estate Asset Management Digital Real Estate Asset Management has emerged as a critical component in the management of real estate portfolios. As a result of technological advancements, businesses have access to new tools, platforms, and applications that facilitate automation and streamline asset management activities. With the increasing demand for transparency and efficiency, adopting digital technologies in asset management has become necessary. 2.1. Cloud-based Real Estate Asset Management The real estate industry is undergoing a significant transformation, with more and more businesses moving towards cloud-based platforms for asset management. This shift is driven by the need for increased scalability, flexibility, and accessibility in managing real estate assets. With cloud-based platforms, real estate asset management professionals can now work on properties from anywhere and anytime without being confined to their offices. Cloud-based platforms have simplified asset management by leveraging cloud computing technology to streamline processes and enhance productivity. In addition, leveraging the technology businesses can also provide their clients with better digital asset management solution and faster services, which can help increase customer satisfaction and retention rates. 2.2. Blockchain Integration Blockchain is a secure, decentralized, and transparent ledger system that enables the transfer of assets and data without intermediaries. Integrating blockchain technology into real estate asset management is a trend businesses must follow for digital asset management. However, the siloed nature of digital real estate business networks causes friction and opacity. With blockchain integration, real estate businesses get solutions to tokenize assets, increase process efficiency, reduce costs, and offer global asset distribution, ownership fractionalization, secondary market opportunities, and data accessibility. The integration further benefits in making better investment decisions, portfolio management and improve business position to compete in a rapidly changing digital landscape. 2.3. Growth of Smart Buildings The growth of smart buildings is a prominent trend in digital real estate asset management. Smart buildings utilize IoT devices and sensors to collect data and automate tasks, resulting in improved energy efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced tenant experiences. In addition, it leads to improved occupancy rates and brings in ROI for real estate asset managers. With the potential for greater sustainability and improved tenant satisfaction, implementing smart building technology is rapidly gaining traction among real estate professionals. Furthermore, smart buildings provide real estate asset managers with valuable insights into building performance and tenant needs, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve operational efficiency. As a result, the trend toward smart buildings is expected to continue, with real estate asset managers increasingly adopting technologies to stay competitive and maximize overall returns. 2.4. Adoption of Virtual and Augmented Reality The growing demand for augmented and virtual reality in the real estate industry can be attributed to the rapid adoption of advanced technology that has significantly enhanced user experiences, thereby streamlined the buying and selling process. These technologies have created a new reality for architects, builders, sellers, and buyers, ensuring cost-effectiveness, global reach, mobility, visualization of changes, construction management, and profits. Additionally, VR and AR technology facilitate remote property inspections and maintenance, thus reducing costs and saving time. However, implementing VR and AR technology comes with many challenges, including the need for specialized hardware and software and the cost of development and maintenance. Nevertheless, their potential benefits in real estate asset management make it a trend that businesses should consider implementing to remain competitive. 2.5. Expansion of Proptech Ecosystem The rapid advancements and widespread adoption of technology have fundamentally changed people's lives and work habits, influencing their expectations for living and workspaces. As a sector that touches every aspect of daily life, the real estate industry is well-positioned to engage in cross-industry integration with sectors such as finance, medicine, education, and healthcare. The concept of prop-tech explored in this report encompasses two dimensions. The first dimension is digitalizing the real estate ecosystem, which includes digitizing business activities from land acquisition and development to real estate transactions and property asset management services. The trends in user space requirements need flexible space selection, user-experience-tailored space, cutting-edge information practices, innovative exposure, and customized solutions that are closely connected to people. 3.Why should Businesses Implement Digital Asset Management Trends? As technology revolutionizes every industry, staying up-to-date with the latest trends is crucial to achieve success. Similarly, implementing digital asset management trends is about staying relevant, competitive, innovative and meeting the demands of a modern and tech-savvy customer segment. 3.1. Improved Customer Experience Adopting digital asset management trends in real estate can significantly improve customer experience. Businesses must offer fast and easy access to their assets, resulting in faster decision-making and increased satisfaction. Enhanced search capabilities make it easier for customers to find what they need, while personalized content based on their preferences and past interactions leads to better engagement and satisfaction. A user-centric approach helps businesses tailor their digital assets to meet customers' unique needs and expectations, improving customer loyalty and increasing revenue. 3.2. Future-Proofing In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, it is critical for companies in the real estate industry to remain agile and adaptable to stay relevant and competitive. By implementing digital asset management trends, businesses can future-proof their operations and ensure their longevity in the market. It means staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and continuously adapting to meet changing consumer demands. In addition, digital asset management allows for greater flexibility and scalability in business operations, providing a strong foundation for growth and expansion. 3.3. Better Brand Management Digital asset management can considerably improve brand management in the real estate industry. By providing a central repository of brand assets such as logos, images, and marketing materials, businesses can maintain consistency across different platforms and avoid inconsistencies in branding. In addition, with easy access to the latest version of assets, all organization members can ensure that the correct branding materials are being used. It further helps businesses maintain a strong brand identity and avoid confusion or misrepresentation of their brand. 3.4. Improved Collaboration With a central location for teams to access and share files, digital asset management trends help streamline the process, workflows and facilitate collaboration within teams. In addition, collaborative tools like version control and commenting features allow team members to work together more efficiently and effectively while ensuring accessibility to real-time information. With digital asset management, businesses can enhance team collaboration, improve project outcomes, increase innovation, and better business results. 3.5. Cost Savings Businesses in a highly competitive market continually look for ways to improve efficiency and cost cutting. Therefore, adopting digital asset management trends can be highly beneficial, as it provides a more effective and economical means of managing and disseminating digital assets. In addition, business processes can be streamlined, identical tasks are eliminated, and unnecessary third-party solutions can be avoided with the help of a centralized digital asset management system. Moreover, digital asset management can improve security by providing controlled access to assets and reducing the risk of unauthorized use or distribution. 4. Conclusion Digital real estate asset management trends help occupy better physical asset value through digital transformations, data analytics, and operational efficiencies. Traditional real estate companies are challenged to think like digital or technology-based asset management companies that help link service delivery and value to revenue. With the potential growth of digital asset management for real estate businesses, it is time for companies to shift from just space providers to service partners and tenant providers. Adopting software solutions and new trends in real estate asset management offers many benefits, including improved customer experience, future-proofing, digital transformation, better brand management, collaboration, and cost savings. In addition, integrating technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain can further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of digital asset management.

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Real Estate Technology

3 High-ROI Home Improvement Projects

Article | July 18, 2022

Considering a remodeling project? Before getting started, establish a list of return on investment (ROI) goals, because not all home improvements are created equal. Some add value to the home that can be recouped when selling, while others may be nice to have but are unlikely to raise the home's asking price. Anyone who wants to focus on home improvements that will pay for themselves when selling the home should know which projects to avoid. Read on to learn about three home improvement projects with a strong return on investment. Upgraded Landscaping For homeowners looking for a better price when they sell, it's hard to go wrong with landscaping. This is one of the few home improvements that typically yields a positive return when selling the home. On average, homeowners can recoup 150% of what they spend updating a home's landscaping. Since curb appeal is a huge factor in selling a home, choose improvements that can be seen from the road for the best return. Resodding or reseeding a lawn is a project that typically provides good returns. In an arid climate like Nevada, consider landscaping with native plants, xeriscaping, and other eco-friendly desert landscaping options to reduce water usage and maintenance requirements. Adding new trees to the landscaping can pay off now and at the time of sale. Trees provide shade and natural cooling, which can take a chunk out of power bills. When selling, trees add between $1,000 and $10,000 to the selling price of a home. Creating a Dazzling Entryway Continue the strong first impression by creating a welcoming space in the entryway of the home. Upgrading to manufactured stone veneer has a return on investment of around 96%. The improvement is relatively simple but makes the front door and the surrounding area more dramatic. Even small improvements can have a big impact. Upgrade to a metal door or one with small windows that let in additional light. Find upgraded house numbers that are visually appealing and easy to see. This often costs less than $100 but can improve the look and feel of the entry area and practically pay for itself when it's time to sell. Minor Kitchen Remodeling The kitchen is the heart of the home. This is the room that is one of the top choices for home improvement projects. However, contrary to what one might expect, huge kitchen overhauls don't always yield a high ROI. In fact, less costly improvements typically have a better payoff. Small projects that can dramatically improve a kitchen include: Repainting Refacing the cabinets and adding updated hardware Replacing countertops Upgrading to more energy-efficient appliances Choosing more energy-efficient appliances is an upgrade that can start repaying itself right away. Other improvements are likely to increase the price of the home when it sells. However, on average, kitchen remodeling projects only bring in 77% of their cost when it's time to sell. Because of this, homeowners should focus on upgrades that improve their quality of life and what they are likely to get back for their investment. Some common mistakes can reduce what a homeowner will get back from a kitchen remodeling project. Investing large amounts of money on items that will need to be replaced again in a few years is unlikely to provide a positive return. Choosing items that are too high-end can cause them to clash with the look and feel of the rest of the home, which could turn buyers off. Improve Daily Life and ROI With These Home Improvement Projects Most home improvement projects do not pay for themselves in full when selling the home. Rather, they are changes that make the home worth more to the owner now, that have the bonus of a price increase when you sell the home. The right home improvement project can make any house feel like a new construction home. Homeowners should look to areas that will give them the most mileage when picking updates for their homes. For instance, old kitchen cabinets can make the room feel dull and uninviting. Refacing with a bright new finish can make the kitchen feel like a brand-new room. Adding low-maintenance shrubs to the front yard adds visual interest that can be enjoyed right away. Projects that require special permits could raise questions during a home inspection and potentially reduce the home's value—but properly permitted additions may let homeowners list a home with an extra bedroom or bathroom. Choose the updates that will provide the most meaningful benefits, both now and at the time of sale. By making the home inviting and attractive, sellers are more likely to be able to name their dream price.

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Real Estate Technology

5 Ways to Build Wealth through Real Estate Investing

Article | July 25, 2022

When people talk about real estate investing, they often only talk about whether the value of the home goes up or down. While that may be true if your only investment was in your primary residence, it completely misses many strategies for creating wealth through investment properties. The fact is, there are five different ways owning investment real estate can help create wealth for you.

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Article | April 29, 2020

If you know what you are doing, buying an investment property can be a lucrative venture with long-term financial rewards. However, not all investment properties will generate good returns. Therefore, it’s important that every real estate investor knows how to evaluate deals. Luckily, you don’t have to use spreadsheets to find the best investment properties. With the right investment property calculator, you can do your investment property analysis easily and more accurately.

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Boos Development Group, Inc.

On Budget. On Time. Every Time. Boos Development is the expert in single tenant real estate services. From market research and site identification, to permitting and entitlement, through construction and delivery, we handle the process every step of the way — no detail is too small.

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Real Estate Technology

SmartRent Launches Alloy SmartHome Hub+

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

SmartRent, Inc., the leading provider of smart home and property operations solutions for the rental housing industry, today announced the launch of Alloy SmartHome Hub+, the Company’s first thermostat with an integrated smart hub device developed under its Alloy SmartHome hardware brand. This innovative product, one of few on the market that integrates a thermostat with a smart hub device, operates on Z-Wave protocol and has less hardware to install and maintain. In addition to the built-in thermostat technology, Alloy SmartHome Hub+ establishes a single interface to control connected smart home devices, enabling users to turn off multiple lights in a home at once, remotely lock and unlock doors, receive alerts and automatically notify maintenance when a sensor detects a leak. “Alloy SmartHome Hub+, a device years in the making, is our latest solution that paves the way for the next generation of smarter living and working in rental housing,” said SmartRent CEO Lucas Haldeman. “Designed with our customers’ needs in mind, and inclusive of the feedback they’ve shared about the desire for less hardware, Alloy SmartHome Hub+ delivers sophistication and convenience, all while driving rent growth. Feedback from our beta pilot has been positive, and customer interest indicates eager demand to deploy this solution at scale. We are proud to bring Alloy SmartHome Hub+ to the market at large and to continue eliminating obstacles and easing implementation in the industry.” This high-value yet economical device builds upon existing SmartRent technologies by consolidating the hub hardware within a smart thermostat, which streamlines procurement, expedites installation and IoT setup. Alloy SmartHome Hub+ can be configured and paired with most HVAC systems and is compatible with smart locks, smart lights, leak sensors and other Z-Wave devices. About SmartRent Founded in 2017, SmartRent, Inc. is a leading provider of smart home and smart property solutions for the multifamily industry. The company’s unmatched platform, comprised of smart hardware and cloud-based SaaS solutions, gives operators seamless visibility and control over real estate assets, empowering them to simplify operations, automate workflows, benefit from additional revenue opportunities and deliver exceptional site team and resident experiences. SmartRent serves 15 of the top 20 multifamily owners and operators, and its solutions enable millions of users to live smarter every day.

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Real Estate Technology

EVORA Global Announces Acquisition of Metry

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

EVORA Global, a leading provider of tech-enabled sustainability solutions to the real asset industry, today announces its strategic acquisition of Metry, Europe’s number one platform for environmental data collection. The move will establish new standards in data excellence and technological innovation, delivering comprehensive data solutions for the global real estate and infrastructure investment industry. The acquisition signifies an improved level of data automation and quality for EVORA’s clients, achieved through direct connections to fiscal meters and hubs. This approach eliminates data gaps and reinforces the overall reliability of information provided into their analytics and content management platform, SIERA. EVORA's dedication to data quality and validation underscores the company's commitment to ensuring that all sustainability data is analytics-ready, combining external data sources with EVORA's expertise in regulations and carbon accounting, whilst simultaneously upholding the highest standards in the industry. Metry's customers will gain access to EVORA's expertise in setting strategy and implementing net-zero carbon initiatives in their real asset portfolios, broadening the value proposition available to them. This collaborative expertise - integrating human insights with advanced technology - is a testament to the forward-thinking approach of both companies. "We are thrilled to welcome Metry into the EVORA family," said Pradeep Menon, EVORA Global CEO. "This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to empower real asset investors with the tools and data needed to drive sustainable practices in the built environment. It will enable us to offer unparalleled services to our clients, solving for the climate challenge.” “This the perfect match,” said Magnus Hornef, Metry CEO and co-founder, who will be joining EVORA’s Executive Committee as Chief Data Officer. “We are enabling each other to make a bigger impact faster and I’m really excited about expanding our data collection capabilities to all of EVORA’s customers. It is a giant leap towards connecting every building with reliable data and automated collection.” About EVORA Global: EVORA Global is a premier sustainability advisor, providing comprehensive, industry-leading climate solutions for real asset investors. With over a decade of experience, EVORA is dedicated to addressing the climate challenge posed by the real asset industry, focusing on the needs of investors in the built environment. Its clients include many of the biggest names in global real estate, including Invesco Real Estate, Hines and M&G. Founded in 2011, the company now has over 200 staff and 150 clients. About Metry: Metry is the #1 platform for environmental data collection in Europe, with a primary focus on energy data. With over a decade of expertise, Metry empowers companies to develop and use energy-saving technologies and IoT solutions, contributing to real change for the environment. Currently serving over 200 companies in more than 10 countries, Metry is actively expanding internationally to offer full data collection coverage in Europe.

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Real Estate Technology

Cushman & Wakefield Collaborates with Microsoft to Enhance AI Technology Platform

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

Cushman & Wakefield, a global leader in real estate services, today announced the firm is working with Microsoft to deploy an advanced suite of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. “We are committed to seamlessly integrating our people with the right technology and processes to enhance service offerings to our clients. Today’s launch of the use of Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 at Cushman & Wakefield again demonstrates our ability to pair robust technologies with market intelligence and expertise,” said Salumeh Companieh, Chief Information & Data Officer, Cushman & Wakefield. Since 2018, Cushman & Wakefield has been focused on aligning business, data, and operations. Results to date range from an 80% material reduction in operational cycle time, to a reduction of client supply chain costs via proprietary supply chain network optimization capabilities. Azure OpenAI Service Azure OpenAI Service is a cloud-based generative AI solution that offers customers a range of capabilities, including access to cutting-edge AI models, backed by the power of Azure. With Azure OpenAI Service, Cushman & Wakefield can benefit from the power of cloud computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to deliver innovative solutions for its clients and stakeholders. Azure OpenAI Service enables Cushman & Wakefield to create custom copilots that can enhance customer experience, improve operational efficiency, and increase competitive advantage. The platform enables developers to build, deploy, and manage AI solutions for various scenarios and domains. Some of the features of Azure OpenAI Service include machine learning, cognitive services, bot framework, computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and more. Microsoft Technology Centers Microsoft Technology Centers are facilities that provide immersive experiences and deep technical engagements in 50+ locations around the world. Microsoft Technology Center architects collaborate with academic, industry, and government partners to advance the state of the art in AI and create positive impact for society. The Microsoft Technology Center is providing Cushman & Wakefield with access to cutting-edge research, tools, and top specialists from Microsoft and its partners to develop powerful and adaptable applications that use AI features. It is also providing insight into various areas and problems that need AI solutions, with learning and improvement through feedback and advice. Copilot for Microsoft 365 Copilot for Microsoft 365 brings the power of next-generation AI, grounded in the user and company’s data, to Microsoft’s workplace productivity tools like Teams and Outlook and Word. It works alongside users to provide suggestions, summaries, generate, analyze and explore content and data across documents, presentations, spreadsheets, notes, chats, email, meetings, and more. Ensuring the safety and security of interactions with Generative AI is a crucial value driver for Cushman & Wakefield. Copilot for Microsoft 365 offers a high level of security for how the firm leverages GPT models, providing confidence that data is not exposed for training and does not leave the company’s ecosystem, thus safeguarding confidential information. “With this next generation of AI, we have a unique opportunity to accelerate innovation at Cushman & Wakefield and across commercial real estate,” said Laura Craig, General Manager, Data & AI, Microsoft. “We’re collaborating with Cushman & Wakefield to bring together AI advances that benefit from Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 to empower the firm’s professionals with new, AI-powered tools.” About Cushman & Wakefield Cushman & Wakefield is a leading global commercial real estate services firm for property owners and occupiers with approximately 52,000 employees in approximately 400 offices and 60 countries. In 2022, the firm reported revenue of $10.1 billion across its core services of property, facilities and project management, leasing, capital markets, and valuation and other services. It also receives numerous industry and business accolades for its award-winning culture and commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and more.

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Real Estate Technology

SmartRent Launches Alloy SmartHome Hub+

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

SmartRent, Inc., the leading provider of smart home and property operations solutions for the rental housing industry, today announced the launch of Alloy SmartHome Hub+, the Company’s first thermostat with an integrated smart hub device developed under its Alloy SmartHome hardware brand. This innovative product, one of few on the market that integrates a thermostat with a smart hub device, operates on Z-Wave protocol and has less hardware to install and maintain. In addition to the built-in thermostat technology, Alloy SmartHome Hub+ establishes a single interface to control connected smart home devices, enabling users to turn off multiple lights in a home at once, remotely lock and unlock doors, receive alerts and automatically notify maintenance when a sensor detects a leak. “Alloy SmartHome Hub+, a device years in the making, is our latest solution that paves the way for the next generation of smarter living and working in rental housing,” said SmartRent CEO Lucas Haldeman. “Designed with our customers’ needs in mind, and inclusive of the feedback they’ve shared about the desire for less hardware, Alloy SmartHome Hub+ delivers sophistication and convenience, all while driving rent growth. Feedback from our beta pilot has been positive, and customer interest indicates eager demand to deploy this solution at scale. We are proud to bring Alloy SmartHome Hub+ to the market at large and to continue eliminating obstacles and easing implementation in the industry.” This high-value yet economical device builds upon existing SmartRent technologies by consolidating the hub hardware within a smart thermostat, which streamlines procurement, expedites installation and IoT setup. Alloy SmartHome Hub+ can be configured and paired with most HVAC systems and is compatible with smart locks, smart lights, leak sensors and other Z-Wave devices. About SmartRent Founded in 2017, SmartRent, Inc. is a leading provider of smart home and smart property solutions for the multifamily industry. The company’s unmatched platform, comprised of smart hardware and cloud-based SaaS solutions, gives operators seamless visibility and control over real estate assets, empowering them to simplify operations, automate workflows, benefit from additional revenue opportunities and deliver exceptional site team and resident experiences. SmartRent serves 15 of the top 20 multifamily owners and operators, and its solutions enable millions of users to live smarter every day.

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Real Estate Technology

EVORA Global Announces Acquisition of Metry

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

EVORA Global, a leading provider of tech-enabled sustainability solutions to the real asset industry, today announces its strategic acquisition of Metry, Europe’s number one platform for environmental data collection. The move will establish new standards in data excellence and technological innovation, delivering comprehensive data solutions for the global real estate and infrastructure investment industry. The acquisition signifies an improved level of data automation and quality for EVORA’s clients, achieved through direct connections to fiscal meters and hubs. This approach eliminates data gaps and reinforces the overall reliability of information provided into their analytics and content management platform, SIERA. EVORA's dedication to data quality and validation underscores the company's commitment to ensuring that all sustainability data is analytics-ready, combining external data sources with EVORA's expertise in regulations and carbon accounting, whilst simultaneously upholding the highest standards in the industry. Metry's customers will gain access to EVORA's expertise in setting strategy and implementing net-zero carbon initiatives in their real asset portfolios, broadening the value proposition available to them. This collaborative expertise - integrating human insights with advanced technology - is a testament to the forward-thinking approach of both companies. "We are thrilled to welcome Metry into the EVORA family," said Pradeep Menon, EVORA Global CEO. "This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to empower real asset investors with the tools and data needed to drive sustainable practices in the built environment. It will enable us to offer unparalleled services to our clients, solving for the climate challenge.” “This the perfect match,” said Magnus Hornef, Metry CEO and co-founder, who will be joining EVORA’s Executive Committee as Chief Data Officer. “We are enabling each other to make a bigger impact faster and I’m really excited about expanding our data collection capabilities to all of EVORA’s customers. It is a giant leap towards connecting every building with reliable data and automated collection.” About EVORA Global: EVORA Global is a premier sustainability advisor, providing comprehensive, industry-leading climate solutions for real asset investors. With over a decade of experience, EVORA is dedicated to addressing the climate challenge posed by the real asset industry, focusing on the needs of investors in the built environment. Its clients include many of the biggest names in global real estate, including Invesco Real Estate, Hines and M&G. Founded in 2011, the company now has over 200 staff and 150 clients. About Metry: Metry is the #1 platform for environmental data collection in Europe, with a primary focus on energy data. With over a decade of expertise, Metry empowers companies to develop and use energy-saving technologies and IoT solutions, contributing to real change for the environment. Currently serving over 200 companies in more than 10 countries, Metry is actively expanding internationally to offer full data collection coverage in Europe.

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Real Estate Technology

Cushman & Wakefield Collaborates with Microsoft to Enhance AI Technology Platform

Business Wire | January 25, 2024

Cushman & Wakefield, a global leader in real estate services, today announced the firm is working with Microsoft to deploy an advanced suite of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. “We are committed to seamlessly integrating our people with the right technology and processes to enhance service offerings to our clients. Today’s launch of the use of Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 at Cushman & Wakefield again demonstrates our ability to pair robust technologies with market intelligence and expertise,” said Salumeh Companieh, Chief Information & Data Officer, Cushman & Wakefield. Since 2018, Cushman & Wakefield has been focused on aligning business, data, and operations. Results to date range from an 80% material reduction in operational cycle time, to a reduction of client supply chain costs via proprietary supply chain network optimization capabilities. Azure OpenAI Service Azure OpenAI Service is a cloud-based generative AI solution that offers customers a range of capabilities, including access to cutting-edge AI models, backed by the power of Azure. With Azure OpenAI Service, Cushman & Wakefield can benefit from the power of cloud computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to deliver innovative solutions for its clients and stakeholders. Azure OpenAI Service enables Cushman & Wakefield to create custom copilots that can enhance customer experience, improve operational efficiency, and increase competitive advantage. The platform enables developers to build, deploy, and manage AI solutions for various scenarios and domains. Some of the features of Azure OpenAI Service include machine learning, cognitive services, bot framework, computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and more. Microsoft Technology Centers Microsoft Technology Centers are facilities that provide immersive experiences and deep technical engagements in 50+ locations around the world. Microsoft Technology Center architects collaborate with academic, industry, and government partners to advance the state of the art in AI and create positive impact for society. The Microsoft Technology Center is providing Cushman & Wakefield with access to cutting-edge research, tools, and top specialists from Microsoft and its partners to develop powerful and adaptable applications that use AI features. It is also providing insight into various areas and problems that need AI solutions, with learning and improvement through feedback and advice. Copilot for Microsoft 365 Copilot for Microsoft 365 brings the power of next-generation AI, grounded in the user and company’s data, to Microsoft’s workplace productivity tools like Teams and Outlook and Word. It works alongside users to provide suggestions, summaries, generate, analyze and explore content and data across documents, presentations, spreadsheets, notes, chats, email, meetings, and more. Ensuring the safety and security of interactions with Generative AI is a crucial value driver for Cushman & Wakefield. Copilot for Microsoft 365 offers a high level of security for how the firm leverages GPT models, providing confidence that data is not exposed for training and does not leave the company’s ecosystem, thus safeguarding confidential information. “With this next generation of AI, we have a unique opportunity to accelerate innovation at Cushman & Wakefield and across commercial real estate,” said Laura Craig, General Manager, Data & AI, Microsoft. “We’re collaborating with Cushman & Wakefield to bring together AI advances that benefit from Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 to empower the firm’s professionals with new, AI-powered tools.” About Cushman & Wakefield Cushman & Wakefield is a leading global commercial real estate services firm for property owners and occupiers with approximately 52,000 employees in approximately 400 offices and 60 countries. In 2022, the firm reported revenue of $10.1 billion across its core services of property, facilities and project management, leasing, capital markets, and valuation and other services. It also receives numerous industry and business accolades for its award-winning culture and commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and more.

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