
The Real Brokerage Surpasses 5,000 Agent Milestone

The Real Brokerage Inc., an international, technology-powered real estate brokerage, announced that it has surpassed 5,000 agents. The company has grown from 2,450 agents to 5,000 agents in the past 12 months, an increase of 104%.

Over the past year, Real was listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, launched a new platform for its technology, and broadened its brokerage operations to 44 states and the District of Columbia, with an addition of 13 states including Indiana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Iowa, Michigan, Idaho, Kentucky, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arkansas, Maine and Mississippi. The Company also added an international dimension, commencing operations in Canada, including Alberta and Ontario. The Company is focused on building a new model of national real estate brokerage that breaks away from franchise fees and brick-and-mortar offices and provides agents with an attractive financial incentive structure, innovative technology tools and an enterprising, ambitious culture.

We've seen monumental success over the past year, and I believe a large part of that can be attributed to our agent attraction momentum and comprehensive tech solutions. Real attracts agents who are driven to succeed and who want to work with others who are equally as passionate. We build the technology and collaborative culture, and they continue to champion our growing community."

Tamir Poleg, Real Chairman and CEO 

About Real
Real is a technology-powered real estate brokerage operating in 44 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Ontario and Alberta, Canada. Real is building the future, together with more than 5,000 agents and their clients. Real creates financial opportunities for agents through better commission splits, best-in-class technology, revenue sharing and equity incentives.



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