Allocating Overhead to Construction Projects

Gain an understanding of overhead allocation and its role in assuring projects are profitable. This topic will include a clear definition of what costs are actually overhead to be applied to jobs. The information will define the specific costs that are direct vs. those that are indirect as part of the overhead total costs to be allocated. Then we will look into the various methods to allocate overhead with a few key case studies on how the method you choose will impact each jobs profitability, and the practical applications you can use in your daily roles and apply to your business.
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Multifamily Fundamentals

The realities facing the US housing market now and in the next few decades (and how to secure your investments through all market ups and downs), The pros and cons of investing in single-family versus apartments (and how to determine which is the right move for you) and The multifamily life cycle from start to finish (and how to avoid common investor pitfalls in each stage)
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Real Estate Tax Reform Update

Withum’s Real Estate Services

Year-end means it’s tax planning time and knowing the rules is more important now than ever. The Tax Code underwent groundbreaking reform in 2017 with most of the law becoming applicable in 2018. The Treasury Department has been busy over the summer and fall producing additional guidance on the new sections of the Code.
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Residential vs commercial real estate webinar

AMP Capital

Luke Dixon and Claire Talbot share their insights on residential vs commercial real estate, the difference between the two, when is the best time to invest in each and how investors can access commercial real estate.
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Invigorating the Seniors Housing Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the ongoing workforce challenges in seniors housing, resulting in an increase in employee burnout and turnover. Now more than ever, operators must find innovative ways to attract top talent in order to meet the growing demands of an aging population and ensure future success.
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