Water leaks can significantly impact NOI at seniors housing properties: Toilets are the number one cause of water waste in seniors housing properties, Flood claims are the primary and most costly insurance claims among multi-unit properties.
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Highlights from the most recent survey:
- NCREIF Property Index (NPI) Returns were up for the Quarter
- Industrial still the top performing asset class
- Retail demonstrated an uptick
- Cap Rates hit another all-time low
- Occupancy off slightly but remain near record levels
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The relationship between contractors, subcontractors and construction labor unions is a complex one. The heart of the relationship is the collective bargaining agreement and the bargaining process. Too often, contractors feel like passengers on a train that has already left the station, with little formal background in the framework for bargaining, their ability to influence the bargaining agreement, and the options they may have whether an 8f or 9a contractor.
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National Business Institute
Overlooking issues during the due diligence process can cost you time, negotiation leverage and it opens the door to expensive surprises after closing. The numerous areas of inquiry - combined with limited timeframes and pressure to cut corners - means that mistakes are easy to make. Is your due diligence comprehensive? This guide will explore the top due diligence oversights so you can effectively avoid them in your practice. Prevent bad deals and ensure a smooth transaction - order today!
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