Opportunity Zones Unprecedented New Real Estate Tax Strategy: What You Need To Know

- The in's and out's of this relatively obscure tax incentive hidden in the tax reform package, and the recent change that is causing it to take off.
- How you can legally pay absolutely ZERO federal capital gains taxes when you take advantage of this huge tax incentive designed to encourage investment in specific communities.
- Best strategies for unlocking maximum tax savings for real estate investors and apartment syndicators.
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US Capital Trends Webinar

The U.S. commercial real estate market posted a record first quarter for deal activity but conditions for investment have changed rapidly in recent weeks. Accelerating inflation, rising debt costs and recession fears are some of the challenges facing investors. Please join Jim Costello, Chief Economist of MSCI Real Assets, for a discussion on: Record-high property prices under pressure Investment pullback in the second quarter - not all a function of interest rates Changing liquidity and more normal patterns of buyer participation Investors’ continued focus on industrial and apartments despite challenges
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Navigating Lender Liability for Environmental Cleanup and Remediation Costs

While federal law largely shields lenders from environmental liabilities and cleanup costs on indebted properties, lender missteps and poor loan documentation can result in a loss of that protection and put lenders on the hook for environmental remediation. Environmental hazards can also negatively impact a borrower's ability to repay the loan and decrease the collateral value, which is why it is essential to uncover the hazards before the closing of the loan and formulate a plan, whether a Phase I environmental site assessment or some lesser action. A critical protection for the lender is an indemnification agreement with the borrower as part of the loan documentation. Other key loan agreement provisions include reps and warranties, covenants, notice provisions, and inspection rights. Another option for the lender is to require the borrower to obtain insurance, usually in a pollution policy. Lender environmental due diligence at the time of a loan default or workout is also critical as environmental hazards must be considered when assessing the collateral value and a workout plan. Of course, if foreclosure appears imminent, the lender liability must be carefully evaluated as the lender prepares to take possession of the property. Listen as our authoritative panel of experienced attorneys analyzes lender liability for environmental cleanup and remediation liabilities. The panel will discuss theories of liability and best practices for lenders to minimize direct liability and diminution of the collateral value. The panel will address risk mitigation in loan origination and during the life of the loan, including workouts and foreclosures.
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Credit Union National Association

This webinar focuses specifically on the disclosures and statements required in connection with mortgage loan transactions. Topics discussed will include: - Application disclosures specific to home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) - Periodic statement requirements for HELOCs - Properly disclosing a closed-end mortgage loan including the Loan Estimate
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COVID Strategies For Seniors Housing Operators — Managing Risk For Residents, Staff and Service Providers

To mandate or not to mandate? As seniors housing operators grapple with staffing shortages while prioritizing resident and staff safety, varying strategies have emerged around the national push for COVID vaccinations. How are operators rolling out their COVID protocols as we head into the home stretch of 2021 and the winter flu season? And how are non-staff — including visiting family members and on-site service providers who support operators — being guided?
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