Q4 2016 - State of the Morris County Real Estate Market

This video is a discussion regarding the state of the real estate market in Morris County, NJ. This video will give an overview of Morris County projects approved and in the pipeline and demographic trends driving the market. Presentations given by Howard Weinberg of Jones Lang LaSalle, Marc Hays of Stanbery Development, Mike Elms of the The Elms-Dougherty Group, and Christine Marion of the Morris County Department of Planning & Public Works.
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Webinar: Introducing the CRE Collaborative

Quantum Listing

Watch the replay of our webinar with CRE Collaborative's founder, Andreas Senie, a veteran commercial real estate broker and technologist. Andreas gives us an in depth look at what his CRE Tech 2.0 service is all about, connecting the technology in your stack, so that it all works together.
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Commercial Mortgage Modifications: Lien Priority, Title Insurance, and Bankruptcy Issues

Mortgage modifications allow borrowers and lenders to extend loan maturity, prevent defaults and foreclosure, and otherwise restructure loan terms. They provide an opportunity for lenders to "clean up" documentation ambiguities and potentially contentious issues, as well as obtain waivers and releases as part of the consideration for granting the term changes. Modifications that significantly revise the loan terms increase the risk that subordinate lenders and bankruptcy trustees may challenge the priority of liens encumbering the mortgaged property. This is particularly true when a modification relates to an incomplete construction project that is being restarted. Title insurance policies have discontinued creditors' rights coverage and do not protect against a loss of lien position. They have also significantly reduced or altered the scope of mechanics' lien coverage. Counsel involved with loan modifications must know how to obtain the optimal title insurance coverage. Listen as our authoritative panel of attorneys discusses current trends in commercial mortgage modifications and strategies for lenders' and borrowers' counsel to ensure that changes protect their clients' interests against potential lien issues, title pitfalls, and bankruptcy concerns.
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Get a Bigger Bang – With Your Mystery Shops!

Get a Bigger Bang – With Your Mystery Shops: Why do we think mystery shops are an essential development tool? When judging is the driving force on reality shows like AGT or Iron Chef, we need to remember that a mystery shop is not used to judge but rather to track performance to develop and guide adults on a career path.
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Commercial Leases: Structuring Tenant Build-Out, Improvement, Maintenance, and Repair Provisions

Some of the most overlooked but potentially costly lease provisions address pre-leasing improvements, build-out, repair, and maintenance issues. Provisions regarding the build-out of premises must address cost issues, completion dates and delays, warranties, and defects. Maintenance and repair provisions address critical issues of reasonable repair period, rent abatement, lease termination, waivers of tenant rights, breach of implied warranty of suitability, and tenant self-help remedies. Parties must also address obligations to restore property after a casualty loss. Listen as our authoritative panel of commercial real estate practitioners discusses drafting and negotiating lease provisions regarding pre-commencement improvement, build-out, and functional maintenance and repair, as well as indemnification provisions to allocate risk.
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