Utility Easements and Land Use

Utilities are faced with options and choices regarding the manner which they will deliver their product to their customers. They may use the public rights-of-way or may choose to use private easements to lay their lines. This topic helps the person in charge with making the land usage decisions, as well as the city official assisting that person. The topic will discuss the various manners for acquiring the right to lay lines, and the strengths and weaknesses of those manners, and some specific topics that apply to various purposes of land uses.
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How Technology is Disrupting the Real Estate Industry


Software is eating the world, and the Real Estate industry is no exception. Tech is shaping each and every aspect of Real Estate from how brokers communicate with their prospects and clients, to how data is being leveraged to optimize the tenant experience. Join us to learn the biggest tech trends that are shaping Real Estate, and how your business can leverage these tactics to stay ahead of the curve.
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Identifying and Managing CRE Investment Opportunities

Investor Management Services, LLC

From opportunity zones to crowdfunding to off-market deals, there are more opportunities now than ever before to invest in commercial real estate. And leveraging data and technology can really help to differentiate your firm in these scenarios. But how can CRE professionals locate and execute these potential deals, or even choose which one(s) to invest in? And once they identify the best-fit for their portfolio, how should they go about managing the investment?
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Real Estate Operating Expenses From a Lease Compliance Professional


What you don't know will hurt you. Many landlords, tenants, brokers and attorneys think they understand all the nuances of Operating Expenses (OpEx). But even an advanced degree does not keep you from the dangers of not knowing what the pitfalls really are when dealing with OpEx. This material will not only give you a working knowledge of the basic concepts concerning Operating Expenses, it will also give insights into protective language to include your lease agreements based upon my 30+ years of practical experience, both from the landlord and tenant side. This is one topic that will cost you and your firm money if you don't learn this information.
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Commercial Tenant Bankruptcy: Strategies for Landlords


Commercial landlords still coping with past-due rents and soaring vacancies are aggressively seeking ways to protect their financial interests and minimize loss. Meanwhile, distressed tenants are turning to the Bankruptcy Code to safeguard their assets from creditors. The Bankruptcy Code offers protections to both commercial landlords and tenants but raises a number of complex legal issues. Commercial landlords must develop strategies to anticipate and protect against the fallout from tenant bankruptcy.
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