Wholesaling Real Estate Are Your Deals Disappearing?

Cody Hofhine, CEO of Wholesaling Inc and Founder of Utah Sell Now is a successful Real Estate investor and sought after speaker. Cody used his background in sales to quickly build a 7 figure Real Estate business that was built on the principles that Tom teaches. A born leader, Cody has played an integral part in the growth of the company and has coached numerous students on how to successfully Wholesale Real Estate.



Founded over 39 years ago, and with over $4.5 billion of work already completed, Hindmarsh is one of the country’s leading property and construction companies. With a reputation for providing specialist residential, commercial and retirement developments full of character and craftsmanship, Hindmarsh continues to help shape the landscape of Australia through its commitment to quality, integrity, safety, innovation and teamwork.


Analyzing Residential Real Estate Trends in July

video | July 19, 2023

Are you curious about the state of the real estate market in your area? Our July 2023 market update provides a comprehensive overview of the residential real estate activity in June. From inventory trends to pricing insights and sales performance, this short video highlights key data points that can help you navigate the market with confidence. Don't miss out on valuable information—watch the video now and stay ahead in the real estate game!...

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Local Demographics | Out-of-the-Box Location Intelligence Solution

video | April 12, 2023

Local Demographics provides up-to-date and meaningful insights into the population living around a location or in any defined area within the U.S. and Canada. This widget allows MLSs, brokerages, and end users to learn more about a specific location and its demographics. The new SDK exists as an out-of-the-box solution ready for implementation that requires minimal development and design effort. Using Local Demographics, real estate players can integrate and display information on their listing site to allow home buyers and renters to better understand the area where their property of interest is located....

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Digital asset management solution: Beyond Asset

video | February 27, 2023

Manage infrastructure operations by enhancing their data. Beyond Asset is the asset management solution that allows you to know and monitor your infrastructure over time in order to optimise their operations. From inventory to maintenance, via diagnosis, Beyond Asset helps you to manage your infrastructures by enhancing their data....

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Digital wealth management solution: Beyond Asset

video | February 27, 2023

Mastering the operation of infrastructures by enhancing their data. Beyond Asset is the asset management solution allowing you to know and monitor your infrastructures over time to optimize their operations. From inventory to maintenance, including diagnostics, Beyond Asset supports you in controlling your infrastructures by enhancing their data....

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Founded over 39 years ago, and with over $4.5 billion of work already completed, Hindmarsh is one of the country’s leading property and construction companies. With a reputation for providing specialist residential, commercial and retirement developments full of character and craftsmanship, Hindmarsh continues to help shape the landscape of Australia through its commitment to quality, integrity, safety, innovation and teamwork.
